Wednesday, February 4, 2015

iOS 8.1.3 Jailbreak possibility with TaiG iOS 8.1.3 Jailbreak

Apple has been released iOS 8.1 update to the public with added bug fixes and improvements. Now Apple users can update theirs latest iPhone, iPad or iPod devices to iOS 8.1.3 update.

Taig Jailbreak team unable to release Taig Jailbreak iOS 8.1.3 update yet. Because many reputed jailbreak teams races to provide jailbreak tool for upcoming major iOS 8.2 jailbreak update. But have many possibilities to release Taig Jailbreak 1.3 update for Jailbreak iOS 8.1.3 from the TaiG team.

So we recommended if you are already using an Jailbroken iOS device please avoid to update iOS 8.1.3 update till iOS 8.1.3 jailbreak comes.

You can Jailbreak iOS 8.1.2 untetheredly. Now iOS 8.1.2 Jailbreak tool available both Windows and Mac versions. If you are not jailbroken your device yet click following buttons for Jailbreak iOS devices safely with our step guides.

iOS 8.1.2 Jailbreak Windows
iOS 8.1.2 jailbreak Windows

iOS 8.1.2 Jailbreak Mac 

iOS 8.1.2 Jailbreak Mac

Both Mac and Windows versions are fully untethered iOS 8.1.2 jailbreak solutions so you can use your device without any mess after Jailbreak iOS 8.1.2.
This Jailbreak iOS 8.1.2 supported for iPhone 4S and above iPhone models in iPhone category / iPad 2 and all other latest iPad models in iPad category and iPod 5th generation model in iPod category.

Always follow instructions before start iOS 8 - iOS 8.1.2 jailbreak process and get a safe jailbreak your devices too. You can customize your latest iOS device after jailbreak your device than ever....

Thanks for the reading!

Credits goes -
TaiG team for taig jailbreak 1.2 update
PP Assistance team for PP Jailbreak iOS 8.1.2

Monday, February 2, 2015

iOS 8.1.2 jailbreak Mac now available with PP Jailbreak

PP jailbreak is a good news for MAC users. Up-to PP iOS 8.1.2 Jailbreak comes we couldn't find any jailbreak tool for Jailbreak iOS 8.1.2 on a Mac computer. Taig iOS 8.1.2 jailbreak also only compatible with Windows computers. PP iOS 8.1.2 jailbreak has released for MAC users to fill the gap. Now any Windows/ Mac users can jailbreak their devices running iOS 8 – 8.1.2.

PP jailbreak iOS 8.1.2 mac


 Taig Jailbreak iOS 8.1.2 mac


PP jailbreak supported devices

  • iPhone 4s, iPhone 5, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 plus
  • Pad Air, iPad Air 2, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad mini 2, iPad mini 3, iPad mini 2, iPad mini
  • iPod touch 5G

Many iOS users already jailbroken theirs iOS 8.1.2 devices using PP jailbreak without any problem. PP Jailbreak iOS 8.1.2 process is much similar to all other jailbreak tools.

Click here for How to Jailbreak iOS 8.1.2 using PP Jailbreak